Saturday, November 25, 2017

Soul Dishing by Richard Schemmerer

"Twin souls on the way to mastering oneness thinking" dyptich by Richard Schemmerer

Soul Tour de force or soul dishing

Creativity within the frame work or creativity with the frame uses just about the same amount of energy to be within working to sustain it or to make a new frame.
The law of attraction calls you find out what the laws of your intuition are by that I mean going beyond trying to manifest a parking space or sex date but to find out what your place in the 3 D world is and how the body feels and then change the location or state of mind if necessary if it doesn't provide a proof of rootedness in ones self and in ones dimension. Once intuition is activated and confirmed through a feeling the compliance of the intellect can assist in defining the first steps on the road to manifestation.

Often we cop out to quickly when we feel we don't resonate the way we envision it rather then finding communalities and build a world out of that.

The paradigm wont shift as we expect it unless we allow a shift in us first, that means to take down the frame that contains but also limits the picture we want to create.

When we dance together we don't care what our language is or our beliefs are all we need is an ear for the rhythm of the beat of life. If we don't know the steps we still can free style next to each other to express fully and whole heartedly our creative force. The intention is to find ground to celebrate the variety of ways to live our individuality but also our collective dream because our own prosperity can only exist within a context of a greater perspective.

Paradigm, what is the meaning of that is a valid question as we use terms and try to guess our way through it like in a dark hallway. A paradigm is a collective box we all stick our head in and it contains all sorts of preconceived notions of what life is and what society should look like. Most is based on second hand knowledge, hearsay, superstition, historical factoids that might or might not be true and often not but become a self fulfilling prophecy if not called out as a lie. Additionally it's our own way of understanding or misunderstanding the signs of the time adjusted to the Zeitgeist against our better instincts.
Their are many channels and messengers competing for our attention and in the process we find ourselves filled up with pointless information regarding possible future out comes but they have mostly nothing to do with our own personal references regarding our immediate well being and the manifestation of lets say a happy spirt fulfilled life soul cycle.

Yes we want to belong but we need to create what we want to belong too in our imagination first and then manifest it rather then giving up our power to false group mentalities. All of our energy will be used up to reclaim what we have invested in vain.
We are afraid to challenge the status quo but don't take responsibility for our fear and engage in silly blame games that serve as a distraction to take real action.

A Paradigm shift means a re-questioning of established values on their merit. We don't have to discredit them either but prove if they still contain enough validity for us to be maintained as we progress through self education, technology, medical and digital means that supersede old forms of knowledge and modes of thinking.

The how and why we live will change or need to change purposefully when the ecosystem we live in has ceased to support a healthy relationship with ourselves and the world we depend on.

Paradoxically that shift is what we most want but also most avoid because it indicates that the past has led us down a wrong path or that we mislead ourselves. This is not necessarily true, all it means is that it has stopped being a valid option.

The good news is that in todays world we have the option to opt out of that old stinking thinking. Yes we can attract benevolent results and can practice deep into mastery as we nourish our soul source with beliefs that regenerate the spring of our power and help us to elevate our state of engagement as the attractors that we are born to represent.

"Twin souls on the way to mastering oneness thinking" dyptich by Richard Schemmerer

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