PAXA Art Gallery, PDX
virtual contemporary
presents Richard Schemmerer
"Loops or picture it" by Richard Schemmerer
Loops and other non-escapes
Loops are like arguments that repeat themselves inside ones intellectual chamber like in a fight for a superior thought.
Thinking is a process that regurgitates what has been presented to us by others like parents, academia or media sources. We can’t escape the same dialectic as we grow older as every new generation starts from the beginning scratching the same surfaces of life to engrave into it their version of understanding.
I am talking about loops like in a conversation with variable others about the same subject; loops like in being on auto pilot mechanically repeating the same patterns until they become habit or addictive.
Life is much the same for all of us. It’s just packaged in infinite ways. At one point or another on this loop we experience similar emotional states and often they are repeated in different time frames.
The only escape from life is death the only escape from loops is to disconnect from life as we learned to know it.
A loop is the marriage between expectation and the escape from it; it is the illusion that we can escape our own destiny to reach a point of no return but as we become more aware we realize that life just doesn’t offer such an option.
We can’t conceptualize our way out of it but we can continue to paint new versions of the roads that we are going to travel more than once.
We can leave a legacy behind with clues for others that repetition is the path to follow if we want to perfect our abilities as humans.
Repetition is built into Nature’s system and even our human ingenuity is not going to break this code unless we indulge in self destructive behaviors which lead to insanity, anarchy and the breakdown of society.
So let’s get friendly with loops as if we really like the ride we term life.
Loops and other non-escapes point us back to a return to the “visuality” the rituality of painting with its eternal quality of contextualization.
Painting shows us that there is an inner world that is also our world.
We are not just victims of outside circumstances but have liberty to reshape what we want to experience by shifting our judgment of things outside of us.
Just like a painter taking a brush we take our mind to recreate a descriptive visual narrative and color out the world to our needs and desires.
Philosophy describes the unformed aspects in us but only painting can show us glimpses of the alternative reality we harbor inside.

Loop 01
acrylic on paper

Loop 02
acrylic on paper

Loop 03
acrylic on paper

Loop 04
acrylic on paper

Loop 05
acrylic on paper

Loop 06
acrylic on paper

Loop 07
acrylic on paper

Loop 08
acrylic on paper
by Richard Schemmerer
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