Saturday, January 9, 2016

Jim Lommasson, part one: What we carry; "Open Letters" at Blue Sky Gallery, Portland

What We Carried: Fragments from the Cradle of Civilization;
stories of refugees fleeing the Iraqi war

Sometimes life deals you terrible cards and you become the target for the brunt of history. Everything impacts everything. If we feel we are free of the impact war has on others we are naïve. The trauma inflicted on others is inflicted on all of us and carried forward in our collective memory bank. Future generations will have to deal with our failures to guaranty a save and supporting environment for all in need of it.

more info at

SATURDAY (01.09) at 3:00p @BLUEskyGALLERYpdx ( Blue Sky Gallery) ‪#‎BlueSkyGalleryPDX‬
Don't Miss It - Jim will be talking about his ‪#‎ExitWounds‬ and ‪#‎WhatWeCarried‬ book projects

Blue Sky Gallery
122 NW 8th Avenue

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